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Eat Healthy, Be Active - Lesson 6

Time Stamp:

00:00 - Introduction

00:40 - And Justice for All

00:56 - Dietary Guidelines / Curriculum Overview

3:17 - Be Active Your Way

7:58 - Muscle Strengthening Exercises

9:23 - Working with Weights

10:00 - Working with a Resistance Band 10:43 - How Much and How Often?

12:28 - All about Safety

14:02 - Muscle Strengthening Exercises Cont.

19:31 - Aerobic and Strengthening Activities 23:48 - PALA +

24:27 - Aerobic and Strengthening Activities Log

24:50 - Be Active Your Way as You Get Older

28:32 - Physical Activities For Older Adults 29:56 - Discussion Questions

Recipe Demos:

Eat Healthy, Be Active - Lesson 5

Time Stamp:

00:00 - Introduction

00:35 - And Justice for All

00:50 - Dietary Guidelines / Curriculum Overview

3:08 - Add More Fruits and Vegetables

3:12 - Vegetables

5:45 - Fruits

6:50 - Bring on the Whole Grains

8:25 - Vary your Protein Routine

10:00 - Move to Low-Fat or Fat-Free Dairy 11:47 - How to Build a Healthy Eating Pattern

15:11 - What's in a Healthy Eating Pattern? 18:52 - What are Healthy Shifts?

21:46 - MyPlate Daily Checklist

22:53 - Understanding a Nutrition Facts Label

28:42 - Increasing Physical Activity

29:45 - Today's Tip of the Day

31:07 - Discussion Questions

Recipe Demos:

Eat Healthy, Be Active - Lesson 4

Time Stamp:

00:00 - Introduction

00:31 - And Justice for All

00:42 - Dietary Guidelines / Curriculum Overview

3:03 - Your Healthy Weight

5:52 - Daily Calorie Needs and Estimated Calorie Needs per Day by Age, Sex, and Physical Activity Level

6:35 - Top 4 Tips for Losing Weight, Keeping it Off, and Food Tracking

11:14 - Learn your BMI and set a Weight Goal

14:09 - Add Activity Everyday

15:11 - Today's Tip of the Day

16:48 - ReThink Your Drink

21:37 - Reducing Calories in your Beverage 23:37 - Discussion Questions

Recipe Demos:

Eat Healthy, Be Active - Lesson 3

Time Stamp:

00:00 - Introduction

00:30 - Dietary Guidelines / Curriculum Overview

2:52 - Step 1: Plan ahead before you shop 3:56 - Step 2: Shop to get the most value out of your budget

6:06 - Step 3: Make cost-cutting meals

7:38 - Visit the Internet for Recipe Ideas

8:11 - Fruits and Vegetables Lower in Cost Year Round

9:49 - Tips for Making Changes

10:58 - Weekly Meal Planner

14:30 - Increasing Physical Activity

15:40 - Today's tip of the day

17:58 - Discussion Questions

Recipe Demos:

Grains: whole vs enriched vs refined

All about grains and how to eat more of it!

Eat Healthy, Be Active - Lesson 1

Time Stamp:

0:00​ - Introduction

0:38​ - Dietary Guidelines

1:42​ - Curriculum Overview

2:58​ - Small Changes can Make a Large Difference

5:33​ - Understanding the Nutrition Facts Label

10:32​ - Tips for Healthier Choices

13:32​ - Healthy Choice Alternatives

18:38​ - Cut Down on Sodium and Reduce your Sodium Intake

23:56​ - Tips for Using Herbs and Spices (instead of Salt)

25:42​ - Modifying a Recipe

27:24​ - Increasing Physical Activity

28:22​ - Today's Tip of the Day

28:57​ - MyPlate Resources

30:52​ - Discussion Questions

31:40​ - Recipe Demo

Recipe Demos:

Eat Healthy, Be Active - Lesson 2

Time Stamp:

00:00​ - Introduction

0:42​ - Dietary Guidelines / Curriculum Overview

3:03​ - Eating at Home Tips

4:21​ - Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference: Hearty, Healthy Lunches in a Snap

5:47​ - Healthier Fast Food or Drive Through Choices

7:35​ - My Shopping List

8:23​ - Healthy Quick Meal and Snack Ideas 10:42​ - Tips for Eating Out and Food Facts 16:17​ - Calories on the Menu: A Closer Look 20:10​ - Slow Cooker Tips and Recipes

23:04​ - Slow Cooker Recipes

24:20​ - Increasing Physical Activity

25:56​ - MyPlate, MyWins Tips: Hacking your Snacks

27:25​ - Discussion Questions

Recipe Demos:

Let's Eat Healthy for Teens Lesson 4: Eating Patterns

Teens have the earliest start times for school and need a good night's rest to prepare for their following day. With a busy schedule, it seems almost impossible to squeeze in breakfast and sleep early. Quality sleep contributes to proper functioning, and the foods you eat can help lead you there.

-Daily food and activity log

Shape of Yoga

Nutrition and Physical Activity Booklet Virtual Presentation. 

This booklet is free to access and download:



Let's Eat Healthy for Teens Lesson 2: Food is Fuel

Lesson 2 briefly discusses why obesity rates are increasing in the United States. The virtual lesson discusses the importance of quality and how including variety and physical activity can improve our overall health.

-Daily food and activity log

Let's Eat Healthy for Teens Lesson 3: Optimal Nutrition

Lesson 3 dives into the five basic tastes and how our food preferences influence our food choices. Eating for both health and pleasure is surely attainable!

-Daily food and activity log

Let's Eat Healthy for Teens Lesson 1: Food + You

These virtual lessons are designed for high school students. You'll learn how to judge your food and activity intake, and how small changes can add up over time to improve your health.

-Daily food and activity log

Leah's Pantry Food Smarts - Lesson 6

We are excited to bring you lesson six of our Leah's Pantry Food Smarts series. These lessons focus on nutrition and food safety, with some mentions of physical activity. This series is designed for 4th-6th grade students. 


To complete each lesson, please watch the video lesson first then make sure to follow-up each lesson with the discussion questions we provide. This really helps with adding an interactive component for the students.


We'll be providing handouts and activities for the students to follow along with while they watch the video lessons. We will also be sharing kid-friendly recipes for them to try creating at home. This component isn't mandatory but it is encouraged. 

Discussion Questions: 

  1. What are some dairy and non-dairy foods that are a great source of calcium? Name as many as you can, even ones I didn’t mention. 

  2. What are some of your favorite recipes? They can be family recipes or any other recipe. Write out a grocery list for those recipes and try this exercise the next time you go grocery shopping. 

  3. What are some rules of etiquette and dinner manners that you practice at home, that weren't covered in the lesson? 

Nutrition: Strong Bones for Life, Creating a Meal Plan and Grocery List, Rules of Etiquette and Dinner Manners, Eating Out and Staying Healthy.

Handouts / Activities: 

Strong Bones for Life -

Creating a Meal Plan and Grocery List -


Rules of Etiquette and Dinner Manners - 

Eating Out and Staying Healthy -

Food Group Bingo - 

Thank you for participating in lesson six! This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

Leah's Pantry Food Smarts - Lesson 5

We are excited to bring you lesson five of our Leah's Pantry Food Smarts series. These lessons focus on nutrition and food safety, with some mentions of physical activity. This series is designed for 4th-6th grade students. 


To complete each lesson, please watch the video lesson first then make sure to follow-up each lesson with the discussion questions we provide. This really helps with adding an interactive component for the students.


We'll be providing handouts and activities for the students to follow along with while they watch the video lessons. We will also be sharing kid-friendly recipes for them to try creating at home. This component isn't mandatory but it is encouraged. 

Nutrition: Rethink your Drink, Diet Related Illnesses, Make Moving Fun!

Try these recipes out at home: 

  1. Green Smoothie

  2. Melon Cooler

  3. CDPH Recipe Card

Discussion Questions: 

  1. How many teaspoons of sugar are in the Sweet Tea? Don’t forget to multiply the total by the amount of servings included in the Sweet Tea. Refer to the Rethink Your Drink handout. 

  2. What are some tips you’ll commit to trying in order to drink more water daily?

  3. Out of all the exercise ideas we went over, choose three you’ll commit to trying out at home this week. 

Handouts / Activities: 

Rethink your Drink - 


Choose Health, Drink Water - 


Rethink your Drink pt. 2 -


Diet Related Illnesses - 

Make Moving Fun -

Sleep your Way to Health - 

Thank you for participating in lesson five! This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

Leah's Pantry Food Smarts - Lesson 3

We are excited to bring you lesson three of our Leah's Pantry Food Smarts series. These lessons focus on nutrition and food safety, with some mentions of physical activity. This series is designed for 4th-6th grade students. 


To complete each lesson, please watch the video lesson first then make sure to follow-up each lesson with the discussion questions we provide. This really helps with adding an interactive component for the students.


We'll be providing handouts and activities for the students to follow along with while they watch the video lessons. We will also be sharing kid-friendly recipes for them to try creating at home. This component isn't mandatory but it is encouraged. 

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Build a healthy breakfast. Include a whole grain, a fruit, and dairy. Have any ideas? 

  2. What’s a dinner choice you usually have that you think you can switch for a more healthier alternative? For example, if you’re having spaghetti for dinner. You can switch the noodles for whole grain noodles. Maybe add some veggies to the tomato sauce. 

  3. Which DO EAT food that was mentioned, do you want to try the most? Are there any foods from the DO EAT list that you already eat regularly?

Nutrition: Fuel your Brain, Know your Serving Sizes and Portion Size Hand Comparison, Portion Control, Grocery Store Heroes (Leah's Pantry DO EAT Food List)

Try these recipes out at home: 

  1. Pumpkin Oatmeal

  2. Squash and Corn Pasta Soup

Handouts / Activities: 

Fuel your Brain - 

Know your Serving Sizes - 

Portion Size Hand Comparison -


Grocery Store Heroes (Do Eat Food List) - 

Three Little Pigs activity - 

Thank you for participating in lesson three! This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

Leah's Pantry Food Smarts - Lesson 4

We are excited to bring you lesson four of our Leah's Pantry Food Smarts series. These lessons focus on nutrition and food safety, with some mentions of physical activity. This series is designed for 4th-6th grade students. 


To complete each lesson, please watch the video lesson first then make sure to follow-up each lesson with the discussion questions we provide. This really helps with adding an interactive component for the students.


We'll be providing handouts and activities for the students to follow along with while they watch the video lessons. We will also be sharing kid-friendly recipes for them to try creating at home. This component isn't mandatory but it is encouraged. 

Nutrition: Nutrition Words to know, Nutrition Facts Label, Food Labels Scavenger Hunt

Discussion Questions: 

  1. What’s the difference between sodium and sugars? Define both. 

  2. Name the nutrients that we should be aware of and limiting in our diet? Name the nutrients we should be consuming more of and want in our diet? 

  3. What does the % Daily Value of a nutrient tell you? Define it. 

Handouts / Activities: 

Nutrition Words to Know - 


Food Labels: Nutrition Facts - 


Food Labels: Nutrition Facts pt. 2 -


Food Label Scavenger Hunt - 

Nutrition Labels Comparison - 

Nutrition Labels Comparison pt. 2 - 

Don't Call Me Sugar Activity - 

Thank you for participating in lesson four! This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

Leah's Pantry Food Smarts - Lesson 2

We are excited to bring you lesson two of our Leah's Pantry Food Smarts series. These lessons focus on nutrition and food safety, with some mentions of physical activity. This series is designed for 4th-6th grade students. 


To complete each lesson, please watch the video lesson first then make sure to follow-up each lesson with the discussion questions we provide. This really helps with adding an interactive component for the students.


We'll be providing handouts and activities for the students to follow along with while they watch the video lessons. We will also be sharing kid-friendly recipes for them to try creating at home. This component isn't mandatory but it is encouraged. 

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Why is it important to eat the rainbow? What is the point?

  2. Think of your favorite fruit and vegetable, what part of the plant are you eating?

  3. What are the three parts of a whole grain? And what part(s) are removed to make a refined grain? 

  4. Think of a Go food, Slow food, and STOP! Food that you usually eat that wasn’t mentioned in the lesson. 

Nutrition: Eat the Rainbow, Plant Parts We Eat, Make Half your Grains Whole, GO, Slow, Stop! activity

Try these recipes out at home: 

  1. Quinoa Veggie Salad

  2. Chunky Oatmeal Cookies

Handouts / Activities: 

Eat the Rainbow - 

Plant Parts We Eat - 

Make Half your Grains Whole - 

GO, Slow, Stop! - 

Rainbow of Foods Activity - 

Garden Sort Activity -

Thank you for participating in lesson two! This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

Leah's Pantry Food Smarts - Lesson 1

We are excited to bring you lesson one of our Leah's Pantry Food Smarts series. These lessons focus on nutrition and food safety, with some mentions of physical activity. This series is designed for 4th-6th grade students. 


To complete each lesson, please watch the video lesson first then make sure to follow-up each lesson with the discussion questions we provide. This really helps with adding an interactive component for the students.


We'll also be providing handouts for the students to follow along with while they watch the video lessons and we will be sharing kid-friendly recipes for them to try creating at home. This component isn't mandatory but it is encouraged. 

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Why is cross-contamination harmful and what are different ways to prevent it? 

  2. Is it okay to substitute an ingredient on a recipe? If so, what are some unique recipes your family has created or altered that have become classic go-to recipes in your home? 

  3. Which foods are considered healthy proteins and which proteins should we avoid/ limit?

Nutrition: MyPlate overview, Healthy Eating Plate overview 

Safety/ Skills: Kitchen safety - handwashing, measuring, following a recipe

Try these recipes out at home: 

  1. Turkey Tacos

  2. Banana Blueberry Smoothie


Kitchen Safety - 

How to Read a Recipe - 

Glossary of Recipe Terms - 

MyPlate - 

Healthy Eating Plate - 

Thank you for participating in lesson one! This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 


Sugary drinks (soda, energy drinks, coffee drinks, and sports drinks) add more sugar to our diet than any other food or beverage source. The added sugar in these drinks provide extra calories without extra nutrition. The added sugar from these drinks may contribute to tooth decay, increase the risk of obesity, and increase the risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

10 Tips: Make Better Beverage Choices

  1. Drink water 
    Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Regular soda, energy or sports drinks, and other sweet drinks usually contain a lot of added sugar, which provides more calories than needed.

  2. How much water is enough? 
    Let your thirst be your guide. Water is an important nutrient for the body, but everyone’s needs are different. Most of us get enough water from the foods we eat and the beverages we drink. A healthy body can balance water needs throughout the day. Drink plenty of water if you are very active, live or work in hot conditions, or are an older adult.

  3. A thrifty option 
    Water is usually easy on the wallet. You can save money by drinking water from the tap at home or when eating out.

  4. Manage your calories 
    Drink water with and between your meals. Adults and children take in about 400 calories per day as beverages — drinking water can help you manage your calories.

  5. Kid-friendly drink zone 
    Make water, low-fat or fat-free milk, or 100% juice an easy option in your home. Have ready-to-go containers filled with water or healthy drinks available in the refrigerator. Place them in lunch boxes or backpacks for easy access when kids are away from home. Depending on age, children can drink ½ to 1 cup, and adults can drink up to 1 cup of 100% fruit or vegetable juice* each day.

  6. Don’t forget your dairy** 
    When you choose milk or milk alternatives, select low-fat or fat-free milk or fortified soymilk. Each type of milk offers the same key nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and potassium, but the number of calories are very different. Older children, teens, and adults need 3 cups of milk per day, while children 4 to 8 years old need 2½ cups and children 2 to 3 years old need 2 cups.

  7. Enjoy your beverage 
    When water just won’t do — enjoy the beverage of your choice, but just cut back. Remember to check the serving size and the number of servings in the can, bottle, or container to stay within calorie needs. Select smaller cans, cups, or glasses instead of large or supersized options.

  8. Water on the go 
    Water is always convenient. Fill a clean, reusable water bottle and toss it in your bag or briefcase to quench your thirst throughout the day. Reusable bottles are also easy on the environment.

  9. Check the facts 
    Use the Nutrition Facts label to choose beverages at the grocery store. The food label and ingredients list contain information about added sugars, saturated fat, sodium, and calories to help you make better choices.

  10. Squeeze some lemons (or limes) 
    It's easy to make your own flavored water by adding a squeeze or wedge of lemon or lime to your water. You'll save added sugars and extra calories compared to water flavored with sugar.


*100% juice is part of the Fruit or Vegetable Group. Juice should make up half or less of total recommended fruit or vegetable intake.


** Milk is a part of the Dairy Group. A cup = 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1½ ounces of natural cheese, or 2 ounces of processed cheese.


Sugar can come in many different forms. If you know what to look for, you can limit the amount of sugar in your diet. Here are some other names for sugar you might see on a food label: 

  • Barley malt 

  • Maple syrup

  • High-fructose corn syrup 

  • Raw sugar

  • Brown sugar 

  • Glucose

  • Honey 

  • Powdered sugar

  • Cane juice 

  • Fructose

  • Maltodextrin 

  • Molasses

  • Corn syrup 

  • Dextrose

  • Sucrose


Do you know how much sugar is in the drinks you have every day? Finding out is easy! Just check the Nutrition Facts label and look for the amount of sugar in one serving.



How much sugar is hiding in your favorite drink? This handy chart shows just how sweet those sugary drinks are, and how much activity it takes to burn off the extra calories.

Potter the Otter - A tale about water resources for kids

Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 3.27.50 PM.png

Click on the PDF box for the full information. 

Check out this short video lesson further explaining the Rethink your Drink Curriculum:

It makes it so easy to drink more than we intend to in added sugars. Check out the video below to find ways to reduce the amount of sugar you & your family drinks.

 Kids Get Cookin' - Lesson 1

We are excited to bring you lesson one of our virtual class series. These classes focus on nutrition + food safety + easy to follow recipe demos featuring kid friendly recipes. These lessons are designed for 4th-6th graders. 


To complete each lesson watch the lesson video, take the quiz and do the at-home activities. Try at least 2 recipes at home with your family. Use the discussion questions to explore this topic further with your family, friends or classmates. 


MyPlate overview, portion sizes, benefits of fruit, importance of breakfast


Safety & Skills:

Kitchen safety, handwashing, measuring, following a recipe


Recipe Demo:

Berry Smoothie

Take a photo of your recipe creation, tag @healthyyouba on Facebook. 

Next week’s recipes:

Next week we will learn how to make the recipes listed below.

Please take a look so you can have ingredients ready for next week. 


Whole Wheat Pancakes

Orange Oatmeal Pancakes

Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies 

Hearty Egg Burritos 

Discussion Questions:

  • Why is it important to handle food safely?    

  • Why do we need to read through the entire recipe before cooking?

  • Choose three food items, each from a separate category of MyPlate to build a healthy breakfast.  

  • What are some lean type of proteins you enjoy eating at home?

Bonus Food Demo: 

Thank you for partcipating in lesson one. Hope you had fun while learning someting new. This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. Please Subscribe to our blog site to stay updated!

Thanks for submitting!

 Kids Get Cookin' - Lesson 2

To complete each lesson watch the lesson video, take the quiz and do any of the at-home activities. Try at least 2 recipes at home with your family. Use the discussion questions to explore this topic further with your family, friends or classmates. 


Grocery Shopping, Nutrition Facts Label, Sometimes Foods vs. Everyday Foods


Safety & Skills:

Dry Measuring, Stovetop safety, Mixing Techniques, Breaking an egg


Recipe Demo:

Whole Wheat Pancakes

Banana Pancakes

Next week’s recipes:

Next week we will learn how to make the recipes listed below. Please take a look so you can have ingredients ready for next week. 

Fruit Tarts

Northwest Apple Salad

Mini Pizzas

Flavored Water

This week's recipes: Try at least two recipes. 


Whole Wheat Pancakes

Orange Oatmeal Pancakes

Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies

Quesadilla con Huevos

Take a photo of your recipe creation, tag @healthyyouba on Facebook!

Discussion Questions:

  • How important can the Nutrition Facts label be to one’s health?

  • What are some ways your family prepares for a grocery run?

  • Why does it matter how we mix ingredients and what utensils we use?

  • What are some of the dangers when cooking with hot oil?

Bonus Food Demo:

Thank you for participating in lesson two. Hope you had fun while learning something new. This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

 Kids Get Cookin' - Lesson 3

To complete each lesson watch the lesson video, take the quiz and do any of the at-home activities. Try at least 2 recipes at home with your family. Use the discussion questions to explore this topic further with your family, friends or classmates.


Dairy Strengthens the Body, Physical Activity, ReThink Your Drink

Safety & Skills:

Knife skills, Oven safety, Washing produce


Recipe Demo:

Northwest Apple Salad

Melon Cooler Recipe Demo

Next week’s recipes:

Next week we will learn how to make the recipes listed below. Please take a look so you can have ingredients ready for next week. 

Black Bean Veggie Soup

Mixed Berry Chia Jam


Tuna Boats

This week's recipes: Try at least two recipes. 


Fruit Tarts

Northwest Apple Salad

Mini Pizzas 

Flavored Water

Melon Cooler Recipe Demo

Take a photo of your recipe creation, tag @healthyyouba on Facebook!

Discussion Questions:

  • What are some dairy foods you are unfamiliar with and would like to further explore?

  • What new physical activity would we like to try?

  • What is one beverage we could replace with water?

  • What did we learn about using a knife in the kitchen?

Bonus Food Demo:

Thank you for participating in lesson three. Hope you had fun while learning something new. This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

 Kids Get Cookin' - Lesson 4

To complete each lesson watch the lesson video, take the quiz and do any of the at-home activities. Try at least 2 recipes at home with your family. Use the discussion questions to explore this topic further with your family, friends or classmates.


Add More Veggies to Meals and Snacks


Safety & Skills:

Boiling, Steaming, Manners, Setting a Table


Recipe Demo:

Mixed Berry Chia Jam

Sweet Potato Fries

This week's recipes: Try at least two recipes. 


Black Bean Veggie Soup

Mixed Berry Chia Jam


Tuna Boats

Take a photo of your recipe creation, tag @healthyyouba on Facebook!

Discussion Questions:

  • What manners do we want to establish for our family table?

  • Who is going to set the table for dinner, today, tomorrow ect?

  • What are some healthy snacks we want to try making with our family?

  • What are some ways we can liven up our meals to incorporate more vegetables?

Bonus Food Demo:

Next week’s recipes:

Next week we will learn how to make the recipes listed below. Please take a look so you can have ingredients ready for next week. 

Chocolate Strawberry French Toast 

Banana Oat Muffins


Hearty Egg Burritos 

Thank you for participating in lesson four. Hope you had fun while learning something new. This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

 Kids Get Cookin' - Lesson 5

To complete each lesson watch the lesson video, take the quiz and do any of the at-home activities. Try at least 2 recipes at home with your family. Use the discussion questions to explore this topic further with your family, friends or classmates.

At-home activities/ handouts:


Whole Grain Word Scramble

Grain Word Search - English

Grain Word Search - Spanish

Whole Grains

Portion Sizes - English

Portion Sizes - Spanish

Next week’s recipes:

Next week we will learn how to make the recipes listed below. Please take a look so you can have ingredients ready for next week. 

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce

Veggie and Rice Stir-Fry

Black Bean and Veggie Quesadillas

Herbed Rice Chicken and Bean


Whole grains, Portion Control


Safety & Skills:

Egg Handling and Cooking, Baking 

Recipe Demo:

Hearty Egg Burritos

Black Bean Brownies

This week's recipes: Try at least two recipes. 


Chocolate Strawberry French Toast

Banana Oat Muffins


Hearty Egg Burritos

Take a photo of your recipe creation, tag @healthyyouba on Facebook!

Discussion Questions:

  • What are some snack ideas you think you can try at home that include whole grains?

  • What are some ways you can ensure you're eating the right amount of portion sizes per food group? 

  • Review and discuss differences between physical hunger and boredom, sadness or fatigue.

  • What are signs of a high quality baked good?

  • How do you prefer your eggs?

Thank you for participating in lesson five. Hope you had fun while learning something new. This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

 Kids Get Cookin' - Lesson 6

To complete each lesson watch the lesson video, take the quiz and do any of the at-home activities. Try at least 2 recipes at home with your family. Use the discussion questions to explore this topic further with your family, friends or classmates.

At-home activities/ handouts:


Protein Word Search - English

Protein Word Search - Spanish

Protein Maze Puzzle - English

Protein Maze Puzzle - Spanish

Food Safety


Lean Meats and Proteins

Safety & Skills:

Raw meat handling and Using a thermometer

Recipe Demo:

Herbed Rice with Chicken and Beans

This week's recipes: Try at least two recipes. 


Spaghetti with Meat Sauce

Veggie and Rice Stir-Fry

Black Bean and Veggie Quesadillas

Herbed Rice Chicken and Beans

Take a photo of your recipe creation, tag @healthyyouba on Facebook!

Discussion Questions:

  • Do we follow proper handling of raw meat?

  • Do we have a thermometer, if so, when has it been calibrated?

  • What is your favorite lean protein to cook with your family?

  • Build a healthy meal out of canned foods. Be sure it includes every food group in MyPlate.

Thank you for participating in lesson six. Hope you had fun while learning something new. This program is a part of the HEALTHY YOUba initiative. 

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